Today begins the terrible twos for me and I couldn't be more excited. My people will surely need to navigate my terrible twos with patience and humor. To celebrate my birthday, my people hooked me up with some cool new presents including three new Ugly Doll friends and Skelanimal ChungKee the Panda. I also got a Nina Ottosson interactive toy called the dog Tornado which is going to get filled with treats for me to eat. I'm also pretty sure that later today my people will be setting up a huge bouncy in the park for me to jump on and the clowns and petting zoo will be arriving soon. This birthday is seriously PAWSOME! Be sure to stay tuned to check out my travels and adventures for another exciting year. And don't forget you can also check out what I've been up to on my Twitter:!/tokyoshiba and there are even more photos on my Tumblr:
Because I'm such a lucky shiba girl, I've also made a couple donations to charities for my birthday. My friend
Snickers is throwing a special charity
canine cocktail party in New York City for Emmie the Superdog's birthday on June 17, 2011 to benefit Hike for Our Heroes. You might remember that I got to meet Emmie and her gang last year at the
Veteran's Day parade in San Diego, California.
Here are some other great places to donate: