For this trip, my people tried out a new Adaptil D.A.P. (dog appeasing pheremone) collar on me to see if it would keep me chill during all the loud noises and general commotion of travel. The disposable collars are supposed to last 4 weeks. Overall we didn't notice any difference - good or bad - but it seems like a potential option to try if you are worried about how your dog will handle a plane flight. You can check out additional details here: Adaptil link.
Even though the west coast is my super happy home, I have a great time on the east coast too. They have great trees and grass and tons of bugs to chase. During the summer months, I usually help with the yard work which is especially fun, because I don't have my own yard back in San Diego.
Don't forget there are always more pictures of me at Tokyo: My Shiba Inu Tumblr
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